“Cujo knew he could not kill the thing that would someday kill him, so he did not fear it.”

“Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.”

“Killing a dog is a sin.”

“Cujo had been tried and found guilty by the judge he feared and respected most of all—himself.”

“There will be no full moon like this one again until the year 200”

“It was a killjoy afternoon—hot enough to bake the cobbles of Main Street but overcast enough to bottle no shadows.”

“It was as though the nothingness of his dreams had overflowed and become the gassy silence of insomnia, as though he had lost the power to articulate as well as dream.”

“But a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

“He listened for the distant, indifferent mutter of motorized traffic and the planes flying in and out of Castle Rock’s dirt-floor municipal airport.”

“Tom didn’t realize it, but millions of people have found journey’s end in just such a Narnian world.”

“This time the biter was not Cujo. It was Tad on whom the story turned.”

“I think this world poses dangers enough without people imagining horrors and hounding their own imaginations to make the horrors real.” MISSING GRANDPARENTS QUOTES

“Those were the thoughts of a man who was still afraid of the dark but who had forced himself to sit up and take nightmares.”

“She was thinking that these old plants took her minds off her troubles.”

“The classic monster of motion pictures has always been the living dead, and in the classic zombie flicks of the 1930s and 1940s it was the Hungarian actor, Bela Lugosi, who was most closely associated with this living-dead motif.”

“Vehicles following this one were treated with a decrescendo of wild horn-blasts, as though approaching drivers were in mortal danger of driving straight into the channel or ending up in the tidal river on the west side of the road.”

“She had reached the street and was running toward the General, dragging Cujo, whom she had almost forgotten, behind her.”

“Those nearest looked at him, curious but unsurprised. It was Maine, and people keep to themselves in Maine.”

“Tad reached up and ruffled its fur.”

“He drowned in time.”

“It is artifice. I don’t much care for it.”

“She reflected on how perfectly his words summed up a growing concern which had plagued her all day.”

“The blaze of a crumpling truck was visible on a hillside three hundred yards away—all blue flames, blue fire, like luxuriant herbage, she thought. Burning dogs make no sound.”