“Credit cards are a bit like gym memberships – they seem like a good idea until you realize you never actually use them.” – Unknown

“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of credit card payments.” – Earl Wilson

“My credit card isn’t a tool, it’s a toy. And toys are meant to be played with.” – Unknown

“The only reason I have a credit card is because my hands get tired from carrying around so much cash.” – Unknown

“Credit cards are like snakes. Handle them with extreme caution, or they’ll bite you in the wallet.” – Unknown

“I was declined for a credit card, so I set my wallet on fire. Now, I have no money and no credit. Problem solved!” – Unknown

“Credit card companies should come with a warning label: ‘May cause temporary euphoria, followed by long-term financial regret.'” – Unknown

“I’ve never met a credit card statement that made me smile.” – Unknown

“My credit card statement is just a reminder of all the things I bought but don’t remember.” – Unknown

“I’m not saying I have a shopping addiction…I’m just saying my credit card company sent me a Christmas card this year.” – Unknown

“Credit card debt: the gift that keeps on giving…to the bank.” – Unknown

“If you think money can’t buy happiness, try handing over your credit card to a shopaholic.” – Unknown

“The most dangerous thing about a credit card is that it makes it easy to fool yourself into thinking you’re not spending real money.” – Unknown ALAN PARTRIDGE LONDON QUOTE

“Credit card debt is like a financial tattoo – it’s hard to remove and always there to remind you of past mistakes.” – Unknown

“I wish my credit card had a ‘do not disturb’ feature, so it wouldn’t bother me every month with the balance statement.” – Unknown

“Credit cards are like relationships – it’s all fun and games until the bills start piling up.” – Unknown

“Credit cards: the adult version of ‘buy now, pay later’.” – Unknown

“My credit card company loves me so much, they sent me a bouquet of collection letters.” – Unknown

“Sometimes I wonder if my credit card secretly has a mind of its own – it seems to have a knack for finding the most expensive things to buy.” – Unknown

“My credit score is like my weight – I don’t want to know the number, but I know it’s not good.” – Unknown

“Credit card interest rates are like the villains in horror movies – they always come back to haunt you.” – Unknown

“I don’t need therapy, I just need a zero balance on my credit card statement.” – Unknown

“Credit cards are like time machines – they allow you to buy now and pay ten times the price later.” – Unknown

“I once asked my credit card company for a lower interest rate. They laughed so hard that my statement came back with a ‘hahaha’ as the total owed.” – Unknown

“If I had a dollar for every time I made a foolish purchase, I’d have enough money to pay off my credit card debt.” – Unknown