“Friendship is a wildly underrated medication; it just takes a little bit of effort to find the right dosage.” – Anon

“Friendship isn’t about who you have known the longest; it’s about who walked into your life and said, ‘I’m here for you’.” – Steve Maraboli

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one’.” – C.S. Lewis

“True friendship is not being inseparable, but it’s being separated and nothing changes.” – Anon

“Friendship is like a rope, beautifully interwoven with trust, loyalty, and love, but easily frayed by a single lie.” – Anon

“Friendship is a two-way street, but both lanes can sometimes be filled with potholes and detours.” – Anon

“A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes the smile on your face.” – Anon

“Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever.” – Anon

“Sometimes, the strongest friendships are forged from the ashes of a complicated past.” – Anon

“In the sea of people, true friendship is an island of calm amidst the stormy waves.” – Anon

“Friendship is like a puzzle; sometimes, you have to rearrange the pieces to see the bigger picture.” – Anon

“True friendship is when silence between two people is comfortable, rather than awkward.” – Anon

“Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, but about being able to survive the tough moments of separation.” – Anon

“Friendship is a dance of compromise; sometimes one leads, sometimes the other, but both are connected by the rhythm of understanding.” – Anon YOU CAN SLEEP WHEN YOU RE DEAD QUOTE

“The beauty of friendship is not about never having conflicts, but the ability to forgive, understand, and grow together after the storm.” – Anon

“Friendship isn’t about always agreeing with each other, but about accepting each other’s differences without judgment.” – Anon

“A true friend is someone who can see through the walls you’ve built and still love you unconditionally.” – Anon

“Friendship isn’t about having similar opinions, but about respecting each other’s differences.” – Anon

“In the complex web of life, true friendship is the thread that holds us together and keeps us from unraveling.” – Anon

“Friendship is a journey with unexpected twists and turns; it’s the determination to keep walking together that makes it beautiful.” – Anon

“Friendship is a delicate balance of give and take; too much of either can upset the harmony.” – Anon

“True friendship is when both parties can comfortably exist in the silence, without feeling the need to fill the void with meaningless words.” – Anon

“Friendship is like a prism; it breaks the light of life into beautiful colors, but it also reflects our flaws and imperfections.” – Anon

“Sometimes, the most complicated friendships are the ones worth fighting for because they have the potential to become the most fulfilling relationships.” – Anon

“Friendship is like a mirror; it reflects who we are, but it also shows us who we can become.” – Anon

“Friendship is a constant navigation of highs and lows; it’s the commitment to weather the storms together that makes it strong.” – Anon

“True friendship is the art of loving someone for who they are, not who we want them to be.” – Anon