“Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it’s probably crap.” – Unknown

“I love you with all my belly. I would say heart but my belly is bigger.” – Unknown

“Love is telling someone their hair extensions are showing.” – Natasha Leggero

“My love life is like a romantic comedy minus the love and just me laughing at my own jokes.” – Unknown

“Love is sharing your popcorn during a scary movie, even if it means getting your hand bitten.” – Unknown

“Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery

“Love is giving your partner the last piece of chocolate, even if you really want it.” – Unknown

“Love is hiding their phone charger so you can spend more time together.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who accepts your weirdness and still wants to be with you.” – Unknown

“Love is bickering over who gets to control the TV remote.” – Unknown

“Love is saying ‘I love you’ and then immediately asking for a back rub.” – Unknown

“Love is letting your partner win an argument, even if you know you’re right.” – Unknown PURE HEART SOUL QUOTES

“Love is having someone who laughs at your terrible jokes.” – Unknown

“Love is seeing someone’s wrinkles as laugh lines, not age lines.” – Unknown

“Love is pretending to listen when your partner is talking about something you have no interest in.” – Unknown

“Love is waking up next to someone and realizing you don’t want to kill them for snoring.” – Unknown

“Love is stealing the blankets and blaming it on the dog.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who brings out your crazy side.” – Unknown

“Love is greeting each other with sarcasm and laughter.” – Unknown

“Love is having someone who can make even the most mundane tasks enjoyable.” – Unknown

“Love is making up ridiculous nicknames for each other.” – Unknown

“Love is finding humor in the most embarrassing moments.” – Unknown