“Happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion.” – BoJack Horseman

“You know, it’s funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” – Wanda Pierce

“There is no ‘happily ever after.’ There’s only ‘right now.’ When you come to the end of a storyline, it’s just a thing that happened. What matters is if you learned anything from it.” – Diane Nguyen

“It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.” – Jogging Baboon

“The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn’t the search for meaning; it’s just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you’ll be dead.” – Mr. Peanutbutter

“You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it’s all gone. And I’ll never get it back in me. It’s too late.” – BoJack Horseman

“After all, the universe is a chaotic place, full of random events. But if you take it all together, I suppose you might find it makes a sort of sense. Do you think that’s what the universe is saying? Do you think it’s trying to tell us something?” – Princess Carolyn

“Everyone deserves to be loved. Even if they hurt you. Even if they make you feel small. Even if they can’t love you back the way you want them to.” – Diane Nguyen

“One day you’ll look around and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.” – BoJack Horseman

“You have to do it every day. That’s the hard part. But it does get easier.” – Jogging Baboon

“You know what makes you feel at peace? Other people. That’s why it’s so important to not push them away, or be afraid of them, or judge them.” – Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack

“You just have to do the right thing. Not always the easy thing.” – Diane Nguyen

“It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself ‘Am I happy?’. It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real, lasting happiness.” – Todd Chavez

“You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it’s all gone. And I’ll never get it back in me. It’s too late.” – BoJack Horseman

“You know, it’s funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” – Wanda Pierce

“Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part. But it gets easier.” – Jogging Baboon WHEN YOU FANCY SOMEONE QUOTES

“You can’t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself, like that makes it okay. You need to be better.” – Diane Nguyen

“It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself ‘Am I happy?’. It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real, lasting happiness.” – Todd Chavez

“You know, it’s funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” – Wanda Pierce

“It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.” – Jogging Baboon

“The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that ‘I’ll be happy when.’ The truth is, you have to be happy with who you are in the present moment, even if it’s difficult.” – Diane Nguyen

“You know, sometimes I feel like the world is a giant place filled with people who are all against me, and everything feels hopeless. But then I come home, and my dog is there, and she’s happy to see me, and that makes it all okay.” – BoJack Horseman

“Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living.” – Diane Nguyen

“You are all the things that are wrong with you. It’s not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were growing up. It’s you.” – BoJack Horseman

“In this terrifying world, all we have are the connections that we make.” – Princess Carolyn

“One day you’ll look around and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.” – BoJack Horseman

“If you’re looking for an answer, you won’t find it here. You have to find it out there, running on the treadmill, walking through the door. You have to find it yourself.” – Charlie Witherspoon

“There’s no such thing as bad guys and good guys. We’re all just guys. Who do good stuff sometimes and bad stuff sometimes.” – Todd Chavez

“You know, sometimes I feel like the world is a giant place filled with people who are all against me, and everything feels hopeless. But then I come home, and my dog is there, and she’s happy to see me, and that makes it all okay.” – BoJack Horseman

“The view’s pretty nice, huh? I mean, you don’t get to see this every day unless you live around here. But, you know, even then, not everybody does. Some people are blind. Some people are blind and deaf. And some people… are just assholes.” – Sarah Lynn