“I feel like a computer. I’m just inputting data and spitting out jokes.”

“I never really thought I’d be able to make a living just being myself.”

“I think people strive for perfection because they know it’s possible.”

“If you’re always on, you’re never real.”

“Comedy is all about timing. If no one laughs, you’re not funny.”

“I want to make people laugh, but I also want to make people think.”

“I don’t perform for validation, I perform for connection.”

“I’ve spent so much of my life pretending to be confident that sometimes I forget how to be myself.”

“Art is about expressing the parts of us that we can’t put into words.”

“I think the best jokes are the ones that make you laugh and think at the same time.”

“You never really know someone until you see how they handle their wifi not connecting.”

“I feel like life is just a series of trying to prove to ourselves and others that we exist.”

“There’s something powerful about being vulnerable and letting people see the real you.”

“In the age of social media, we all have to be the stars of our own lives.”

“Sometimes the saddest thing is to see someone trying so hard to be happy.” THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME QUOTES FOR GIRLFRIEND

“Comedy can be a form of therapy. It allows us to laugh at our pain and find healing.”

“If I can make someone feel less alone for just a moment, then I’ve done my job.”

“The power of a joke lies in its ability to reveal truths and break down barriers.”

“Sometimes the funniest jokes are the ones that point out the absurdity of everyday life.”

“We live in a society where we’re constantly bombarded with images of happiness, but are we truly happy?”

“Humor can be a tool for social commentary and change.”

“Comedy is a way for me to cope with my own insecurities and fears.”

“The best jokes are the ones that make you laugh out loud, but also make you think.”

“We all have a need to be seen and heard. Comedy gives us that opportunity.”

“Embracing our flaws and imperfections is what makes us human.”

“Laughter is like a little vacation from reality.”

“The best comedy comes from a place of honesty and vulnerability.”

“As a comedian, I have a responsibility to be truthful, even when it’s uncomfortable.”

“At the end of the day, all I want is to make people happy and give them a little escape from their own reality.”