“I’m Shiv Fucking Roy and I’m here to win.”

“I always knew I would betray my father, I just didn’t think it would be this soon.”

“I’ll lie if I have to, steal if I must, but I will never lose.”

“Some people send flowers when they want to say congratulations, I send landmines.”

“Nobody tells me how to run my business, not even my own father.”

“I’m not a lion, I’m a fucking dragon. And I’m about to breathe fire.”

“Success is like water. It finds its way in, it finds its way out.”

“I’m not interested in winning the game, I’m interested in owning the game.”

“Being underestimated is the ultimate advantage. They never see you coming until it’s too late.”

“I’m not in the business of making friends, I’m in the business of making power moves.”

“In this world, you either eat or you get eaten. I plan on doing the eating.”

“Money may not buy happiness, but it sure as hell buys power.”

“When you’re at the top, everyone wants to take you down. That’s why I never stop climbing.” FRIENDSHIP FALLING APART QUOTES

“I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. Sometimes you have to do what others won’t.”

“I’m not just a player in the game, I’m the fucking game.”

“I don’t need a seat at the table, I need to own the table.”

“If you’re not willing to take risks, you’re not worthy of success.”

“Loyalty is overrated. I’d rather have power than a bunch of yes-men.”

“The road to success is paved with betrayal. You have to be willing to step on a few backs to get ahead.”

“I don’t need the approval of others, I only answer to myself.”

“Fear is for the weak. I fear no one and nothing.”

“I’m not here to be liked, I’m here to win.”

“Compromise is for the weak. I always get what I want, no matter the cost.”

“I may be ruthless, but at least I’m honest. That’s more than most people can say.”