“Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson

“Having a sibling means you have a built-in best friend for life.” – Anonymous

“Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring.” – Pamela Dugdale

“Siblings are like stars. You may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.” – Anonymous

“Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb

“A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.” – Ann Hood

“Siblings are the only enemy you can’t live without.” – Anonymous

“A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.” – Marian Sandmaier

“Siblings: the only enemy you can’t live without.” – Anonymous

“Siblings are the people who understand your past, believe in your future, and love you unconditionally in the present.” – Anonymous

“A sibling is both your mirror and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel

“Siblings are the compass that guides us in life.” – Anonymous

“A sibling represents a person’s past, present, and future.” – John Corey Whaley

“Siblings are the best kind of friends.” – Anonymous INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FROM BHAGAVAD GITA

“A sibling is your first and forever friend.” – Anonymous

“Siblings are the people who know your flaws and still love you unconditionally.” – Anonymous

“Sibling relationships are complicated. All family relationships are. Look closer. Be honest. Embrace your siblings. Love them.” – Elizabeth Fishel

“Siblings are the ones who stick around no matter what. They’re the ones who understand everything about you when you grow up, yet still like you anyway.” – Lisa Unger

“Siblings are like branches on a tree, we may grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one.” – Anonymous

“Siblings are the only people who truly understand your crazy family.” – Anonymous

“A sibling is a forever friend that you can never replace.” – Anonymous

“No matter how much you argue with your siblings, they are the ones who always have your back.” – Anonymous

“The bond between siblings is unbreakable; it is forged in the fires of shared childhood memories and strengthened by the love and support they continue to give each other through life.” – Anonymous

“Siblings are like built-in friends who are always there for you, no matter what.” – Anonymous

“Your siblings are the only people in the world who know what it’s like to have been raised the way you were.” – Betsy Cohen

“Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” – Amy Li

“A sibling is a gift, an ally, and a partner in crime all rolled into one.” – Anonymous