“I don’t diet. I just eat according to my goals- and that’s to stay strong and be skinny.” – Anonymous

“Skinny is just a word. I’d rather focus on being healthy and confident.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny is not about chasing a number on the scale. It’s about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin.” – Anonymous

“Forget about being skinny. Focus on being strong, healthy, and the best version of yourself.” – Anonymous

“Skinny is not a goal, it’s a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny doesn’t define your worth. Learning to love and embrace yourself does.” – Anonymous

“Don’t let society’s idea of skinny dictate your happiness. Embrace your unique body shape and love yourself as you are.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny is not a destination, it’s a state of mind. Embrace positive body image and focus on self-acceptance.” – Anonymous

“I’d rather be strong and healthy than skinny and weak.” – Anonymous

“It’s not about being skinny, it’s about being fit and confident in your own skin.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny is not the key to happiness. It’s about finding balance, nourishing your body, and embracing your unique beauty.” – Anonymous MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES SHAKESPEARE

“Size doesn’t define you. Confidence, strength, and self-acceptance do.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Focus on nourishing your body, exercising, and maintaining overall well-being.” – Anonymous

“Your worth is not determined by your size. Embrace your body, whatever shape or size it may be.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny is not the ultimate goal. Being healthy, happy, and full of energy is.” – Anonymous

“Strength comes in all shapes and sizes. Embrace your body, whether skinny or curvy, and focus on being your best self.” – Anonymous

“Don’t let the pursuit of being skinny consume you. Focus on being strong, confident, and mentally healthy.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny doesn’t equal beauty. True beauty lies in being comfortable in your own skin and radiating confidence.” – Anonymous

“There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to beauty. Embrace your unique body shape and find beauty in your own way.” – Anonymous

“Being skinny is not an achievement. Achieve greatness by being kind, confident, and loving towards yourself and others.” – Anonymous

“True beauty shines from within, regardless of your body size. Embrace your inner beauty and let it radiate.” – Anonymous