“Hurt people hurt people.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Mean people are just shallow reflections of their own insecurities.” – Unknown

“Being mean is a sign of weakness, not strength.” – Unknown

“The best way to deal with mean people is to be kind and rise above their negativity.” – Unknown

“Mean people have no power over you unless you allow them to.” – Unknown

“People who are truly confident and secure in themselves have no reason to be mean.” – Unknown

“Don’t let mean people bring out the mean in you. Stay kind.” – Unknown

“Mean words can sting, but kindness can heal.” – Unknown

“Mean people thrive on your reaction, so don’t give them the satisfaction.” – Unknown

“In the face of mean people, always choose love and kindness.” – Unknown

“Mean people may try to bring you down, but they only reveal their own character flaws.” – Unknown

“Mean people are just projecting their own misery onto others.” – Unknown SCIENTISTS QUOTES ON GOD

“Being mean never solves anything; it only creates more bitterness.” – Unknown

“You never know what battles people are fighting, so always choose kindness over meanness.” – Unknown

“Meanness is a sign of a wounded soul in need of healing.” – Unknown

“Mean people are not worth your time or energy. Surround yourself with kind souls instead.” – Unknown

“Being kind to mean people is the true test of character.” – Unknown

“Kindness is like a boomerang; it always comes back to you. Meanness, on the other hand, keeps spreading negativity.” – Unknown

“When someone is mean to you, it’s often a reflection of their own internal struggles.” – Unknown

“Mean people only have power if you allow them to occupy space in your mind.” – Unknown

“Kindness is the antidote to meanness; spread it generously.” – Unknown

“Choosing kindness over meanness is a true act of strength.” – Unknown