“I don’t think we need to tell the Inspector everything we know. After all, he already seems to know so much.”

“Gerald, I don’t think we need to entertain this Inspector any longer. He seems to have his own agenda.”

“We have to protect our own interests, Gerald. That’s just the way the world works.”

“I must say, I find this whole inquiry rather distasteful. It’s simply not our place to interfere in other people’s lives.”

“I’m a respectable woman, and I refused to be dragged into this sordid affair.”

“I did my duty as a mother. I raised my children to be independent and self-sufficient.”

“We have to maintain our social standing, no matter the cost.”

“I have nothing to hide. My conscience is clear.”

“I’ve always believed in the importance of personal responsibility. People should be held accountable for their own actions.”

“I won’t indulge in any hysterics. I’m far too mature for that.”

“We can’t let this Inspector disrupt our lives. We have a reputation to uphold.”

“I’m not the type of person who throws money around. I can’t be expected to solve all of society’s problems.”

“I didn’t raise my son to be a socialist, Inspector. I raised him to be a responsible citizen.”

“My husband and I have worked hard for our money. We shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about our success.”

“I don’t see why I should feel responsible for the actions of other individuals.” MOM BODY POSITIVITY QUOTES

“We have our circle of friends, and they share our values. We don’t need to associate with lower-class individuals.”

“I’m a woman of principles, and I won’t be swayed by sentimental nonsense.”

“We have to prioritize our own family’s prosperity. That’s just common sense.”

“I’ve always been one for practicality and efficiency. Sentimental gestures won’t get us anywhere.”

“I refuse to let this Inspector bully us into feeling guilt. He has no authority over us.”

“I’ve lived long enough to understand how the world really works. It’s a harsh place, and you have to look out for yourself.”

“We have our obligations to our family. We can’t be responsible for everyone else’s problems.”

“I won’t allow people to take advantage of our generosity. We have to draw the line somewhere.”

“I’ve always believed that you have to work hard for what you want. Handouts won’t solve anything.”

“I won’t apologize for being ambitious. It’s what has driven me to succeed.”

“We shouldn’t be quick to judge others. We don’t know what they’ve done to land themselves in their current situation.”

“I’ll be damned if I let anyone tarnish our family name. They don’t know the sacrifices we’ve made.”

“I’ve never relied on anyone else to solve my problems. It’s a lesson everyone should learn.”