“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” – John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

“Man proposes, God disposes.” – John Steinbeck, East of Eden

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” – John Steinbeck

“What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” – John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent

“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, Gang aft agley.” – John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

“The world was a confusing and noisy place, but the chaos and clamor could not deter its inhabitants from making their best-laid plans” – John Steinbeck

“We are all caught in the best-laid traps of our own making.” – John Steinbeck

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” – John Steinbeck

“You can’t beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own.” – John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

“Plans are just dreams written on paper. It’s the execution that matters.” – John Steinbeck

“The act of planning gives us the illusion of control, but life always finds a way to throw us off course.” – John Steinbeck

“Sometimes, the best path out of a storm is through it.” – John Steinbeck

“The best-laid plans may be fragile, but they are unyielding and can withstand the storms of life.” – John Steinbeck BEST QUOTES TO MAKE HIM FEEL SPECIAL

“In the face of adversity, the best-laid plans can become the foundation upon which we rebuild our lives.” – John Steinbeck

“Life has a way of turning our carefully constructed plans into beautiful chaos.” – John Steinbeck

“It is the unexpected detours that often lead us to our greatest discoveries.” – John Steinbeck

“Great achievements are often the result of surrendering to the flow of life and embracing the unexpected.” – John Steinbeck

“The best-laid plans are made by those who dare to dream and have the courage to chase those dreams.” – John Steinbeck

“The most successful people are not those who stick rigidly to their plans, but those who adapt and improvise in the face of change.” – John Steinbeck

“Life is not about mapping out every step, but about having the flexibility to adjust course and seize opportunities as they arise.” – John Steinbeck

“The best-laid plans are often forgotten in the pursuit of passion and purpose.” – John Steinbeck

“Sometimes, the best plan is no plan at all. It’s about trusting in the journey and embracing the unknown.” – John Steinbeck

“A life without risks is a life unfulfilled. Embrace uncertainty and let go of the need for control.” – John Steinbeck

“The best-laid plans may crumble, but the spirit of resilience and determination remains.” – John Steinbeck

“Never let the fear of failure deter you from making plans. Failure is just another opportunity to learn and grow.” – John Steinbeck