“I’m not a fucking idiot, alright? I know how the world works.”

“I’ve seen some things, man. And some stuff.”

“Sometimes, a girl just needs to get a nut off.”

“I’m a dealer, not a therapist.”

“I’m your main man for caps, beans, Molly, ecstasy, whatever you want to call it.”

“I know I deal drugs, but I’m not a bad person.”

“You don’t have to be good at school, you just have to be good at one thing.”

“You’re the coolest chick I’ve ever met, but you scare the shit out of me.”

“There’s no point in being afraid of people knowing something about you if it’s true.”

“Everyone’s got their shit. And everyone’s got their vices.”

“I’m not just some drug dealer, I’m an experienced tour guide through the fucked-up world of youth.”

“Life’s short, right? And if you wanna live it up, you gotta do some crazy shit.”

“You were born to be wild, baby.” BEST KRATOS QUOTES GOD OF WAR 4

“High school’s just a holding pen, and everyone’s just waiting to get out.”

“We’re all so scared of judgment that we’ve forgotten to be ourselves.”

“Sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes to make yourself feel alive.”

“In this fucked-up world, you gotta take what you want.”

“I’m in the business of making people happy.”

“At the end of the day, we all just want to fit in somewhere.”

“Being cool is about being confident and not giving a shit about what anyone thinks.”

“Don’t worry, kid. Life gets better. You just gotta hang in there.”

“There’s beauty in the chaos, man. Embrace it.”

“Love is a fucking drug, man. It gives you the highest highs and the lowest lows.”

“Life’s a trip, man. Enjoy the ride.”