“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding.” – Psalm 111:10

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” – Proverbs 2:6

“The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction.” – Proverbs 16:21

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” – Proverbs 12:15

“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.” – Proverbs 4:5

“The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.” – Proverbs 10:14

“There is gold and abundance of costly stones, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” – Proverbs 20:15

“A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.” – Proverbs 29:11

“The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.” – Proverbs 19:8

“The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin.” – Proverbs 10:8

“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.” – Proverbs 23:12

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” – John 7:38 FAMOUS POETRY QUOTES ABOUT LIFE BY KIDS

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” – Psalm 119:130

“The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what kind of wisdom do they have?” – Jeremiah 8:9

“Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.” – Proverbs 13:10

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.” – Proverbs 3:7

“The wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.” – Ecclesiastes 8:5

“Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.” – Proverbs 1:5

“A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.” – Proverbs 15:14

“The wise are put to shame; they are dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what kind of wisdom do they have?” – Jeremiah 8:9

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5

“For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” – Proverbs 2:10