“Being nice doesn’t mean you have to please everyone.”

“Sometimes, being kind means being honest, even if it’s not easy.”

“Being nice shouldn’t come at the cost of your own well-being.”

“Not everyone deserves your kindness, and that’s okay.”

“Kindness should be genuine, not just a facade.”

“Being nice doesn’t mean you should tolerate mistreatment.”

“Being nice is important, but so is setting boundaries.”

“Don’t sacrifice your values just to be seen as nice.”

“Sometimes, tough love is necessary for growth.”

“Being nice doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat.”

“Being nice sometimes means saying ‘no’ when necessary.”

“Kindness should be balanced with self-preservation.” FRIENDS DISTANCE QUOTE

“Being nice doesn’t mean you have to suppress your true feelings.”

“Don’t be nice at the expense of your own happiness.”

“Being nice isn’t about being a people pleaser.”

“Being nice doesn’t mean you have to be passive.”

“Being kind sometimes means standing up for what you believe in.”

“Nice doesn’t mean being a pushover.”

“Being nice doesn’t mean you have to be everyone’s friend.”

“Being nice doesn’t guarantee that others will treat you the same.”

“Sometimes, being nice means making tough decisions.”

“Don’t let the fear of not being nice hold you back from expressing yourself.”

“Being nice should come from a place of authenticity, not societal pressure.”