“Autism can’t define me. I define autism.” – Kerry Magro

“Autism isn’t a disability, it’s a different ability.” – Stuart Duncan

“Different, not less.” – Temple Grandin

“Autism is not a tragedy. Ignorance is.” – Kerry Magro

“Autism is not a processing error. It’s a different operating system.” – Josef Schovanec

“Autism… offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that might otherwise pass us by.” – Colin Zimbleman

“Autism is a journey I never planned, but I sure do love my tour guide.” – Lori Sealy

“Autism is not about a lack of love, but a lack of understanding.” – Anonymous

“Autism is like a GPS system in your brain that guides you to your individuality.” – Elaine Hall

“Different doesn’t mean wrong.” – Anonymous

“Autism is part of who I am, but it does not define me.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a tragedy, running out of bacon is.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a curse. Ignorance is.” – Anonymous

“The world doesn’t need more ‘normal’ people. It needs individuals who are proud to be different.” – Neil Croft

“Autism is not a label, it’s a spectrum of possibilities.” – Anonymous QUOTES SAD

“Autism: where the beautiful chaos of imagination meets the colourful palette of reality.” – Anonymous

“Just because I don’t talk much doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot to say.” – Anonymous

“We may be different, but that doesn’t mean we’re not capable of great things.” – Anonymous

“Autism isn’t a tragedy. Ignorance is.” – Dr. Temple Grandin

“We’re all different, but that doesn’t mean we can’t respect and appreciate each other’s uniqueness.” – Anonymous

“Having autism doesn’t make me less human, it just means my mind operates differently.” – Anonymous

“Embrace the strength and beauty within you, even if it makes others uncomfortable.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.” – Anonymous

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” – Anonymous

“Autism is not a tragedy; ignorance is the real tragedy.” – Kerry Magro

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.” – J.K. Rowling

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Autism is not a disease that needs curing, it’s a difference that needs understanding.” – Anonymous

“Autism doesn’t make you less of a person, it just makes you uniquely you.” – Anonymous