“Hey, I have a secret but I can’t tell you”

“Let’s go do something crazy and get in trouble!”

“Why aren’t you responding to my texts?!”

“Do you want to hear about this dream I had last night?”

“Can you help me with my homework?”

“Guess what? I saw your crush today!”

“I always forget to bring my wallet, can you spot me?”

“Ugh, I can’t find anything to wear! Can I borrow your outfit?”

“Let’s take a million selfies until we get the perfect shot!”

“I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend for the 10th time this month.”

“I accidentally liked my ex’s photo from four years ago.”

“Sorry I’m late, I had to stop for Starbucks.”

“I’m so bored, let’s go shopping!” EMPLOYEE UNHAPPY AT WORK QUOTES

“Can you proofread this text message I want to send to my crush?”

“I can’t believe I ate that whole pizza by myself!”

“I have a new diet plan, want to hear about it?”

“Did you see the latest episode of that reality show?”

“Can I borrow your car? Mine is in the shop again.”

“Can you do me a favor and pick up my dry cleaning?”

“Sorry, I can’t make it to your event, I already made plans with someone else.”

“OMG! You have to see this hilarious video I found on YouTube!”

“Do you know anyone who can lend me money?”

“I need a change of scenery, let’s plan a spontaneous trip!”

“I can’t decide what to eat, can you list all the options for me?”

“Why are you always so serious? Let’s have some fun!”