“Beauty may fade, but an ugly personality lasts forever.”

“No amount of physical beauty can hide an ugly personality.”

“An ugly personality can make the most attractive person repulsive.”

“Ugliness of character is far worse than any physical flaw.”

“A beautiful face means nothing if the heart is ugly.”

“An ugly personality can turn even the sweetest dreams into nightmares.”

“An ugly personality tarnishes the soul within.”

“True beauty is found in kind hearts, not pretty faces.”

“An ugly personality is a reflection of a twisted soul.”

“An ugly personality can poison even the purest of intentions.”

“A beautiful face is easily forgotten, but an ugly personality leaves a lasting impression.” QUOTES ABOUT THANKFUL TO FRIENDS

“An ugly personality is like a dark cloud that overshadows all that is good.”

“An ugly personality repels love and kindness, leaving only bitterness in its wake.”

“The true measure of a person lies not in their looks, but in their character.”

“An ugly personality is like a thorny rose – it may be visually appealing, but it pricks those who get close.”

“An ugly personality breeds negativity and spreads it like a contagious disease.”

“No amount of makeup can hide an ugly personality.”

“An ugly personality is a curse that no amount of beauty can break.”

“A beautiful face with an ugly personality is like a delicate vase filled with poison.”

“An ugly personality is the greatest veil that hides true beauty.”