“When you touch the silent region of a stone, you touch the love that the stone has received from the vast sea.” – Native American Proverb

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks (Inspired by Native American wisdom)

“The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” – Pearl P. Little Thunder, Oglala Sioux

“Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star…” – E.E. Cummings

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“Love is an endless act of forgiveness. It is the most potent form of resistance against the injustices and hardships of life.” – Unknown

“Listen to the whispers of your heart and follow where it leads you, for it knows the way to true love.” – Unknown

“Love is the only feeling that transforms ordinary things into extraordinary moments of happiness.” – Unknown

“Love is a force so powerful that it can heal the deepest wounds and mend the broken hearts.” – Unknown

“Love is the thread that weaves the web of life, connecting us all in a tapestry of compassion and understanding.” – Unknown

“True love is not found, it is grown. It is nurtured, cherished, and protected.” – Unknown

“In the embrace of love, we find the strength to overcome all obstacles and to face the world with courage.” – Unknown ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR NEW LIFE QUOTES

“Love is the greatest gift we can give to another. It is the essence of our humanity, the source of our joy and the foundation of our peace.” – Unknown

“Love is a sacred fire that burns eternally in the heart. It is the spark that ignites our passions and fuels our dreams.” – Unknown

“To feel the warmth of love is to experience the true essence of life.” – Unknown

“Love is not selfish or demanding. It is selfless and giving, always seeking the happiness of the other.” – Unknown

“Love is the song of the soul, the melody that brings harmony to our lives.” – Unknown

“Love is like a seed. It starts small, but with care and nurturing, it grows into something beautiful and everlasting.” – Unknown

“Love has no boundaries or limitations. It is a force that transcends time and space.” – Unknown

“Love is the bridge that allows us to connect with one another, to understand and appreciate our differences.” – Unknown

“Love is the legacy of our ancestors, a gift passed down through generations.” – Unknown

“Love is the language of the heart, spoken by all beings, human and non-human alike.” – Unknown