“Do good deeds, for Allah is watching.”

“Fear Allah, for He is watching over you.”

“Remember, Allah is always aware of your actions.”

“Think twice before committing a sin, for Allah is watching.”

“Seek forgiveness, for Allah is watching your repentance.”

“Remember, Allah sees everything, even what is hidden in your heart.”

“Be conscious of your words, for Allah is listening as well.”

“Don’t be deceived, for Allah is always observing.”

“Every step you take, Allah is watching.”

“Your intentions matter, for Allah knows what lies in your heart.”

“Never underestimate the power of Allah’s watchful gaze.”

“Strive for righteousness, for Allah is witnessing your efforts.”

“Don’t be tempted by worldly desires, for Allah is watching your choices.” QUOTE ABOUT VEGANISM

“In times of difficulty, know that Allah is watching over you.”

“Allah’s sight is not limited by time or place. He sees all.”

“Allah’s watchfulness is a reminder of His love and concern for us.”

“Don’t think you can hide your wrongdoings, for Allah is always watching.”

“Let Allah’s watchful presence guide your actions and decisions.”

“Allah’s watchful eye is a comfort to the righteous and a warning to the wrongdoers.”

“Believe in Allah’s constant presence and find solace in His watchful care.”

“Live your life as if Allah’s gaze is always upon you, for it truly is.”

“Allah’s watchful gaze encourages us to strive for excellence in all our undertakings.”

“Even when you feel alone, remember that Allah is watching over you.”

“Allah’s watchful guidance is a blessing that leads us towards righteousness.”

“Stay on the path of goodness, for Allah is watching, and His rewards are great.”