“Alcoholism is a family disease. One person may drink, but the whole family suffers.” – Al-Anon Family Groups

“Alcoholism isn’t a spectator sport. Eventually, the whole family gets to play.” – Joyce Rebeta-Burditt

“Alcoholism is a disease that affects the entire family. Each member has their own struggles, but together we can find healing.” – Unknown

“The effects of alcoholism ripple through families, breaking relationships and causing pain. Recovery is possible, but it requires love and support.” – Unknown

“In a family affected by alcoholism, every member becomes a casualty, but hope and recovery can rebuild their lives.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism doesn’t just destroy the individual; it destroys families and breaks hearts.” – Unknown

“The battle against alcoholism is not fought alone; it is fought together as a family, supporting each other every step of the way.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism doesn’t discriminate; it affects all families regardless of age, race, or social status.” – Unknown

“The pain caused by alcoholism cannot be fully understood unless experienced in a family setting.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism separates families; recovery brings them back together, stronger than ever before.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism is like a tornado that tears through a family, leaving devastation in its wake.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism creates a toxic environment within families, breeding dysfunction and despair.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT KURTZ BEING A GOD

“When alcoholism enters a family, trust is shattered, and the journey to healing becomes a long and challenging one.” – Unknown

“In a family affected by alcoholism, love is tested, boundaries are broken, but forgiveness and understanding can rebuild what was once lost.” – Unknown

“The scars of alcoholism may be invisible, but their impact on a family is undeniable.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism is not a choice, but recovery is. Supporting a loved one on their journey to sobriety is crucial in rebuilding a fractured family.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism breeds secrecy and shame, but breaking the silence is the first step towards healing for the entire family.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism robs families of their happiness and steals away their dreams, but recovery offers hope and the chance for a brighter future together.” – Unknown

“In a family affected by alcoholism, it’s important to remember that the person is not the problem; the disease is.” – Unknown

“Healing from the wounds caused by alcoholism requires forgiveness, compassion, and understanding within the family unit.” – Unknown

“An alcoholic will not seek help until the entire family acknowledges the problem and comes together to support their journey to recovery.” – Unknown

“When one family member struggles with alcoholism, the entire family is affected. It’s time to break the cycle and find healing.” – Unknown