“Aging gracefully means accepting that your lies about your age are starting to catch up with you.” – Unknown

“I am not aging gracefully, I am evolving sarcastically.” – Unknown

“Age is just a number, but wrinkles are a clearer indicator.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is when you start to realize that new technology is not for you.” – Unknown

“I used to be young and beautiful. Now I’m just young at heart.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is just a nice way of saying you’re slowly falling apart.” – Unknown

“As I age, I realize that duct tape can’t fix everything… especially my wrinkles.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is all about accepting the fact that your eyebrows have retired and your chin has taken over.” – Unknown

“I used to look in the mirror and see my flaws. Now, I look in the mirror and see an antique.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is realizing that you can’t keep up with the latest fashion trends, so you just embrace comfort and elastic waistbands.” – Unknown

“Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” – Walt Disney

“Aging gracefully is like trying to hold onto a helium balloon – you just have to accept that it will eventually float away.” – Unknown

“Aging is not for the faint of heart, it’s for the funny bone.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is realizing that your vintage charm is worth more than any youthful glow.” – Unknown END OF THE DAY MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Aging gracefully is when you can still bust a move, but you know you’ll need an ice pack afterwards.” – Unknown

“Age is a high price to pay for maturity.” – Tom Stoppard

“The older you get, the less you care. Unless it’s about bingo night, then you’re all in.” – Unknown

“I used to have abs. Now I have flabs.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is like trying to fold a fitted sheet – it’s impossible, but you give it your best shot.” – Unknown

“You know you’re getting old when happy hour is a nap.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is realizing that your memory is like a sieve, and you’re just grateful that some things still stick.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is when you start quoting your grandparents more than your favorite celebrities.” – Unknown

“You know you’re getting old when you bend down to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you can do while you’re down there.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is accepting that people with less wrinkles are probably just better at Photoshop.” – Unknown

“Turning 50 may be inevitable, but acting like a grown-up is optional.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is when you can laugh at your own crow’s feet instead of trying to hide them with excessive amounts of concealer.” – Unknown