“Believe in yourself, because if you don’t, no one else will.” – Unknown

“Stop waiting for things to happen, go out and make them happen.” – Unknown

“Embrace failure, because without it you won’t learn and grow.” – Unknown

“Take risks, because the biggest rewards often come from the biggest risks.” – Unknown

“Don’t compare your journey to others, everyone’s path is unique.” – Unknown

“Invest in yourself, because you are your most valuable asset.” – Unknown

“Remember that progress takes time, don’t be too hard on yourself.” – Unknown

“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

“Learn to embrace uncertainty, it’s the gateway to growth.” – Unknown

“Dream big, and then take small steps towards making it a reality.” – Unknown

“Celebrate your small wins, they lead to big victories.” – Unknown

“Focus on progress, not perfection.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.” – Unknown

“Stay true to yourself, even when it’s not the popular choice.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear hold you back, take the leap and trust yourself.” – Unknown BEST FRIEND WHO KNOWS ME BETTER QUOTES

“Stay persistent, even when faced with obstacles.” – Unknown

“Learn to say no when it is necessary, it’s okay to prioritize yourself.” – Unknown

“Never stop learning, education doesn’t end with a degree.” – Unknown

“Take care of your mental and physical health, it’s your most important asset.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it doesn’t make you weak.” – Unknown

“Practice gratitude, it shifts your perspective and attracts positivity.” – Unknown

“Don’t dwell on past mistakes, learn from them and move on.” – Unknown

“Stay authentic, because the world needs your unique voice.” – Unknown

“Be proactive, create your own opportunities instead of waiting for them.” – Unknown

“Stay humble, success is never achieved alone.” – Unknown

“Be open to feedback, it’s how you grow and improve.” – Unknown

“Focus on what you can control, and let go of what you can’t.” – Unknown

“Remember that setbacks are temporary, keep going and don’t give up.” – Unknown

“Love and accept yourself unconditionally, you are enough just as you are.” – Unknown