“Real men don’t abuse, they protect and support.”

“Violence is never a sign of strength or masculinity.”

“A man who truly loves his partner will never hurt her.”

“Abuse is never justified, regardless of gender.”

“Love should never make you feel afraid or unsafe.”

“Real strength lies in treating your partner with respect and kindness.”

“A healthy relationship is based on trust, not control.”

“Real men don’t belittle or manipulate their partners.”

“A good man lifts his partner up, not tears her down.”

“You are not weak for leaving an abusive relationship, you are strong.”

“A true gentleman never uses violence or intimidation.”

“A man’s strength is measured by how he treats those he claims to love.” BEAUTY QUOTES FROM BOOKS

“Men have the power to break the cycle of abuse.”

“Love should never involve harm, fear, or humiliation.”

“Abuse is a choice, and a real man would never choose it.”

“No one has the right to control or dominate another person.”

“Real love empowers, not diminishes.”

“A man who truly values you will never make you feel unworthy or small.”

“A healthy relationship is built on communication, trust, and equality.”

“It takes courage to stand up against abuse, and you are not alone.”

“Your worth as a man is not defined by how you assert power over someone, but by how you treat them.”

“Nobody deserves to be treated with disrespect or violence, regardless of gender.”

“Abuse of any kind is a reflection of the abuser’s lack of character, not the victim’s worth.”