“Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big, black space where the audience is.” – Mae West

“Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.” – John Hays Hammond

“Personality can definitely help an artist, but it’s personality multiplied by time that makes an artist legendary.” – John Oates

“Personality is everything in art and poetry.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” – Erik Erikson

“Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.” – Jason Hartman

“Personality is the most important thing to an actress’s success.” – Mae West

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss

“Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.” – Elmer G. Letterman

“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” – Jay Danzie

“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.” – Oscar de la Renta STRONG WOMAN PERSONALITY QUOTES

“Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.” – Paul Harris

“The way you make others feel about themselves says a lot about your own personality.” – Zig Ziglar

“In the end, it’s not about changing yourself, it’s about knowing yourself.” – VIIStar

“There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligent responses to challenges.” – Stephen Covey

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Your personality is what makes you unique, and it’s that unique viewpoint the world wants to see in your work.” – Colin Wright

“Personality is the most important thing to an actress’s success.” – Diane Keaton

“Just be yourself, there is no one better.” – Taylor Swift

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

“Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big, black space where the audience is.” – Mae West

“Personality is everything in art and poetry.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe