“Hygiene is two-thirds of health – Chinese proverb.”

“Don’t be a stinker, start with hygiene.”

“Hygiene is like a bank account – you must keep investing for good returns.”

“Cleanliness is next to godliness, but it’s also next to a good sense of humor.”

“If cleanliness is next to godliness, I must be a saint in the making.”

“Bad hygiene? Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

“Hygiene: It’s not just for the germaphobes, it’s for everyone.”

“Why did the germ go to the doctor? Because it had bad hygiene!”

“A clean mind and clean hands can accomplish anything.”

“Don’t forget to wash your hands, or else you’ll be the dirtiest comedian in town!”

“Keep calm and wash your hands.”

“Hygiene is the ultimate weapon against cooties!”

“If hygiene was an Olympic sport, I’d win gold every time!”

“I don’t always brush my teeth, but when I do, it’s to avoid getting a lecture from my dentist.”

“Why did the faucet go to therapy? It had drip issues.” PRAYER SHORT QUOTES

“Washing your hands regularly: the germaphobe’s version of a power shower.”

“They say laughter is contagious, so is good hygiene.”

“Remember, clean teeth are happy teeth – and they won’t bite!”

“Hygiene is like a comedy routine – it’s all about timing.”

“Cleanliness is the secret ingredient to a funny punchline.”

“Why did the comedian always carry a toothbrush? So he could brush up on his hygiene!”

“Don’t let your hygiene stink – it’s time to get funny and fresh!”

“Don’t be a dirty joke; be a clean laugh!”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, wash your hands, or else your jokes won’t be funny too!”

“Why did the comedian bring a mop to the stage? Because cleanliness is the key to a standing ovation!”

“Cleanliness is not just a duty, it’s also a recipe for a good punchline.”

“Remember, hygiene is the best accessory – even funnier than a clown’s red nose!”

“You can’t clean up your act if you don’t clean your hands and face!”

“The secret to a funny joke? Good hygiene and bad puns!”