“Hello everybody, my name is Stanley Unwin, and I’m a bit of a twinkle-a-giggle-glide!”

“Deep joy and great pleasure, me hearties!”

“It’s all a bit of a whoopsy widdle!”

“Tickle-be-twee, it’s time for a bit of fun and frolic!”

“Blam-a-zam, I’m chuffed to bits!”

“Gobble-de-gook, things are really tickety-boo!”

“I’ll give you a flibble-flabble, and you’ll be right as rain!”

“Gladly-gladly-gladly, I’m here to spread some chuckles!”

“In a flibber-jibber, I’ll have you in stitches!”

“I’m not bonkers, just a little bit boffin!”

“Humpty-dumpty, let’s have a jolly good laugh!”

“Zippety-zap, laughter is the best map!”

“Springle-dingle, let’s make every day a giggle-fest!”

“Oh dearnee, I’m having a mishmash of delightful ditties!”

“Spiffing-spoffing, laughter is my thingummy-jig!”

“Flippity-flop, let’s have a right old belly laugh!” BEST QUOTE ABOUT SELF WORTH

“Hobble-gobble, I’m a ticker-a-tock-timer of laughter!”

“Boggle-dee-boggle, let’s giggle like googly-woggles!”

“Lobster-doodle, laughter is my flibber-flabber food!”

“Diddle-de-dum, let’s have a chuckle rumble!”

“Gibber-gobble, laughter is the best bobble-bobble!”

“Wibble-wobble, let’s have a guffaw-hobble-howl!”

“Flippity-zippity, I’m tickled pink for some jolly good laughs!”

“Bim-bam-boom, let’s make laughter fill the room!”

“Tinkle-binkle-doodle, let’s have a right old mirthful poodle!”

“Gobbledygook, laughter is the best recipe in my funny book!”

“Wobble-dee-wobble, let’s have a chortle-hobble!”

“Higgledy-piggledy, laughter is my wiggly-giggly remedy!”

“Bonkers but brilliant, that’s my laugh-a-thon philosophy!”

“Snorty-giggly, let’s have a hoot and a giggle extravaganza!”