“I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”

“I spent a lot of money on wine, women, and song. The rest I wasted.”

“I spent my money on wine, women, and betting. The rest I wasted.”

“I wasted my money on women and booze. The rest I just spent foolishly.”

“I spent a fortune on alcohol, gambling, and wild living. The rest I didn’t save.”

“I blew a lot of money on women, fast cars, and alcohol. The rest went down the drain.”

“I squandered a fortune on partying, women, and a lavish lifestyle. The rest disappeared.”

“I spent a lot of money on luxury, women, and indulgence. The rest slipped through my fingers.”

“I lavishly spent my money on extravagant living, women, and pleasure. The rest I frittered away.”

“I wasted a fortune on extravagant parties, women, and reckless living. The rest vanished.”

“I threw away my money on alcohol, women, and a frivolous lifestyle. The rest I never saved.”

“I lavishly spent my money on partying, women, and extravagance. The rest I didn’t invest.”

“I blew a fortune on lavish living, women, and excessive indulgence. The rest I carelessly squandered.” EFFORT IN RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“I wasted my money on wild nights, fancy women, and a life of excess. The rest I never accounted for.”

“I spent a lot of money on pleasure, women, and hedonism. The rest I foolishly wasted.”

“I squandered my wealth on partying, women, and materialistic desires. The rest was lost to my reckless choices.”

“I threw away my money on booze, women, and the fast life. The rest I never kept track of.”

“I spent a fortune on extravagant living, women, and frivolous pursuits. The rest I let go to waste.”

“I wasted a lot of money on extravagant parties, women, and a carefree lifestyle. The rest I didn’t save.”

“I blew my money on wild nights, beautiful women, and a life of excess. The rest I never managed wisely.”

“I lavishly spent my money on pleasure, women, and reckless enjoyment. The rest slipped through my hands.”

“I squandered my wealth on indulgence, women, and materialistic desires. The rest disappeared without a trace.”

“I threw away a fortune on partying, women, and an extravagant lifestyle. The rest I never accounted for.”

“I spent a lot of money on pleasure, women, and hedonistic pursuits. The rest I foolishly let go.”