“Cousins are like siblings, but without all the petty arguments… most of the time.”

“Cousins: the siblings you never had a say in, but are forever grateful for.”

“Cousins are like mashed potatoes – always there to make you smile but also a little lumpy.”

“Cousins: the only ones who will still love you after witnessing all your embarrassing childhood moments.”

“Being cousins means you can blame your crazy behavior on the shared genes!”

“Sure, I love my cousins, but I also love my peace and quiet.”

“My cousin has the best sense of humor. We always laugh together, even when we shouldn’t.”

“Cousins are the best partners-in-crime. No one else understands your crazy schemes like they do.”

“Cousins are like Tupperware – you always have a bunch, and they’re always full of surprises.”

“Cousins are the perfect excuse for family gatherings: their presence distracts from all other family drama.”

“I may be an only child, but luckily I have a bunch of cousins to keep things interesting.”

“Cousins: the reason family reunions are bearable.”

“My cousin is my constant reminder that I come from a crazy family, and I love it.” QUOTE ABOUT DEPRESSION AND HOPE

“When life gets tough, cousins are the ones who will always bring the laughter back.”

“Growing up with cousins means your childhood is a never-ending comedy show.”

“Cousins are the best secret-keepers. They’ve seen all your embarrassing moments and still love you.”

“Only cousins can understand the struggle of having a shared crazy family tree.”

“Cousins: the only ones who truly appreciate your questionable sense of humor.”

“Having cousins means I have a built-in support system for all my crazy ideas.”

“I don’t need superheroes, I have cousins.”

“Cousins: the perfect blend of friends and family.”

“Cousins: the extended family you actually like.”

“Who needs siblings when you have cousins to drive you nuts?”

“Cousins make the perfect partners for all your childhood mischief.”

“Cousins: the reason behind many of your unforgettable childhood memories.”