“Friendship should be a give-and-take relationship, not a one-way street.”

“A one-sided friendship is like a plant without water, it cannot thrive.”

“True friends treat each other with respect and reciprocate each other’s efforts.”

“Sometimes it’s better to have a few true friends, rather than numerous one-sided friendships.”

“A one-sided friendship can leave you feeling invisible and unappreciated.”

“A friendship should be a safe space where both parties can lean on each other for support.”

“When a friendship becomes one-sided, it’s time to reevaluate if it’s worth investing your energy into.”

“There’s no point in holding onto a one-sided friendship that drains your emotional well-being.”

“A good friendship requires effort from both sides, not just from one.”

“One-sided friendships often leave us feeling lonely in a crowd.”

“A true friend will always be there for you, even when the friendship becomes unbalanced.”

“Don’t chase after someone who only sees you as an option, not an equal friend.”

“A one-sided friendship is like trying to hold onto sand, it’ll slip through your fingers.”

“A friendship should bring joy and positivity into your life, not constant disappointment.”

“True friends make an effort to understand and support each other, even during challenging times.”

“It’s better to have no friends than to have ones who don’t value you equally.” DEEP QURAN QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Don’t settle for a friendship where your needs and feelings are constantly overlooked.”

“Friendship should be a two-way street, where both parties put in effort to maintain a meaningful connection.”

“A one-sided friendship can make you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells.”

“Respect yourself enough to let go of friendships that no longer serve your well-being.”

“A true friend will never take advantage of your kindness or generosity.”

“A one-sided friendship can leave you feeling like you’re constantly begging for attention and validation.”

“A healthy friendship requires mutual trust, respect, and effort from both sides.”

“You shouldn’t have to constantly prove your worth to someone who doesn’t appreciate you.”

“Friendships should be built on equality, not power imbalances.”

“A one-sided friendship is like a puzzle missing several pieces, it cannot be complete.”

“Don’t be afraid to let go of friendships that drain your energy and bring more negativity than positivity.”

“One-sided friendships can lead to feelings of resentment and bitterness.”

“Remember that your worth is not determined by the number of friends you have, but by the quality of the friendships you maintain.”

“Choose friends who lift you up, not ones who bring you down with their self-centeredness.”