“Ingratitude is the essence of all vices.” – Immanuel Kant

“Ungrateful people tend to forget the favor and remember the hurt.” – Thomas S. Monson

“The ungrateful are like a tube with a hole at one end, it can never be filled.” – Danish proverb

“Ungratefulness is one of the ugliest things someone can possess.” – Dale Carnegie

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls, the ungrateful person is never happy.” – William Shakespeare

“Ungrateful people complain about what they do not have, while forgetting to be thankful for what they do have.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is a trait that diminishes the worth of any person.” – Seneca

“The ungrateful mind considers nothing its own.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“The ungrateful forget what they have done and remember what they have not.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is the ugly trait that robs a person of their humanity.” – Unknown

“An ungrateful person will always be discontent and unsatisfied, no matter how much they have.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is the poison that destroys relationships.” – Unknown

“Ungrateful people are never satisfied because they always focus on what’s missing.” – Unknown GURUDWARA QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Ungratefulness is a reflection of a narrow mind.” – Unknown

“Ungrateful people take more than they give.” – Unknown

“The ungrateful refuse to acknowledge the kindness they have received and fail to return it.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is the sin of forgetfulness.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is the trait that prevents personal growth and happiness.” – Unknown

“Ungrateful people are like empty vessels that can never be filled.” – Unknown

“The ungrateful lose out on the blessings of life.” – Unknown

“An ungrateful person is like a black hole that consumes everything without appreciation.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is the root of all misery.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is a burden that weighs on the ungrateful person’s soul.” – Unknown

“The ungrateful person fails to recognize the value of what they have until it is lost.” – Unknown

“Ungratefulness is a reflection of a shallow and self-centered mindset.” – Unknown