“Ugh, as if I would be caught dead in that outfit.”

“You see how picky I am about my shoes, and they only go on my feet.”

“Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.”

“I’m both scared and excited, I mean, I’ve never had a fresh start before.”

“I’m majorly, totally, butt-crazy in love with Josh.”

“She’s my friend because we both know what it’s like to have people be jealous of us.”

“I feel like such a heifer. I had two bowls of Special K, 3 pieces of turkey bacon, a handful of popcorn, 5 peanut butter M&M’s and like 3 pieces of licorice.”

“Dionne and I were both named after famous singers of the past, who now do infomercials.”

“You’re a virgin who can’t drive.”

“My plastic surgeon doesn’t want me doing any activity where balls fly at my nose.”

“Mr. Hall was way harsh. He gave me a C-minus.”

“I was just totally clueless.”

“She’s a traitor to her generation.”

“Do you prefer fashion victim or ensembly challenged?” WORK QUOTES FOR INSPIRATION

“Oh, I’m sure she’s really talented. I mean, clearly she’s able to put up with Ren and Stimpy.”

“Do you remember when we were tested, and we were like ‘Whoa, I totally studied?’ ”

“Rolling with the homies.”

“I feel like such a bonehead.”

“This is an Alaia! It’s like a totally important designer.”

“I broke in my purple clogs.”

“Whatever! I’m outtie!”

“Jeepin’! Jeepin’ with Raoul!”

“Cher’s saving herself for Luke Perry.”

“I understand, like, Joan of Arc,”

“Would you look at that body language? Legs crossed towards each other.”

“You know, Daddy, I searched the entire mall and I couldn’t find any suitable men. They were not worthy of my companionship.”