“Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life.”

“The secret to happiness is gratitude.”

“Do more of what makes you happy.”

“Choose happiness every day.”

“A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”

“Happiness is a choice, not a result.”

“The key to happiness is self-acceptance.”

“Happiness is found in the little things.”

“Be happy, it drives people crazy.”

“Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.”

“Happiness is the best makeup a person can wear.”

“Happiness is enjoying the journey, not just the end result.”

“Happiness is contagious, spread it around.”

“The happiest people don’t have everything, they make the most of what they have.” MAKE FRIENDS NOT ENEMIES QUOTES

“Happiness is loving yourself and being content with who you are.”

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Happiness is the secret ingredient to a successful life.”

“Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it.”

“Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” – Margaret Lee Runbeck

“Happiness comes from within, not from external circumstances.”

“Happiness is the experience of the present moment.”

“Happiness is a choice, make it every day.”

“Happiness is enjoying the simple pleasures in life.”

“Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to others.”

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination.”

“Happiness is the highest level of success.”

“Happiness is the joy of making others happy.”