“I’m growing a tiny human inside me. What’s your superpower?”

“Being pregnant means every day is a surprise party, and not always a pleasant one.”

“Pregnancy brain is real. I once forgot what I was saying mid-sentence and started talking to a plant.”

“I’m so pregnant I could be mistaken for a walking watermelon.”

“I’m craving pickles and ice cream. Together. Pregnancy is weird.”

“I’m not fat, I’m just preparing for my role as a bouncy castle for my child.”

“Sleep like a baby? Yeah right, I sleep like a pregnant woman – tossing, turning, and getting up to pee every hour.”

“Pregnancy is nature’s way of preparing you for sleep deprivation. Thanks, Mother Nature.”

“I have two hearts beating inside me. One belongs to my baby, the other belongs to food.”

“Pregnancy is nine months of carrying a watermelon, and then you have to push it out. I deserve a medal.”

“Pregnancy cravings: the reason why supermarkets have late-night hours.”

“Pregnancy is like a full-time job, except you’re paid in kicks and cravings.”

“People think pregnant women are glowing. Well, that’s just the sweat from carrying an extra 20 pounds.” FAMOUS PLAYING CARD QUOTES

“My baby bump is like a built-in snack holder. I’m always ready for a snack attack.”

“I’m officially a mom-to-be, which means my favorite position is ‘on the couch’.”

“Pregnancy is a magical time when you realize how strong your bladder really is.”

“Stretch marks are just love notes from my baby, reminding me of the incredible journey we’re on.”

“I’m pregnant, not disabled. But if you want to offer me a seat, I won’t say no.”

“Being pregnant is like carrying a bowling ball everywhere you go, except it kicks and keeps you up all night.”

“I used to have abs, now I have an adorable little person growing in my belly. So worth it.”

“Pregnancy has turned me into a human bulldozer. Watch out for my waddle!”

“I officially have a food baby. It’s just a lot higher up and much cuter than usual.”

“I’m pregnant, so I can cry whenever I want. Don’t mess with a hormonal woman with a snack in her hand.”

“Pregnancy: the only time you can eat for two, sleep for two, and get blamed for every mood swing.”