“Speak the truth even if it is against yourself.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“The truthful and honest merchant is with the prophets, the truthful and trustworthy.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Whoever is not honest, trustworthy, and truthful in his dealings, has no faith.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Be honest towards yourself, for only the truth can set your soul free.” – Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)

“Whoever loves for Allah’s sake and hates for Allah’s sake, and gives for Allah’s sake and withholds for Allah’s sake, then he has perfected faith.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“A truthful and honest person is one of the closest to Allah.” – Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)

“Honesty is the path to righteousness.” – Imam Hassan (may Allah be pleased with him)

“When you speak the truth, keep in mind that the truth will always lead you to goodness.” – Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)

“The essence of faith is built upon truthfulness and honesty.” – Ibn Al-Jawzi

“Honesty is a reflection of one’s character and the foundation of trust in any relationship.” – Imam Al-Ghazali

“In all transactions, be truthful and honest, for Allah loves those who are honest.” – Quran (61:2)

“Truthfulness and honesty brighten the heart and bring tranquility to the soul.” – Ibn Taymiyyah

“Honesty is not just speaking the truth, but also living the truth.” – Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

“Lies may deceive people, but the truth always prevails.” – Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani QUOTE ABOUT FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE

“Be honest with yourself, for that is the beginning of being honest with others.” – Sheikh Sa’adi

“Honesty is the best policy, not only in this world but also in the eternal life.” – Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais

“Falsehood may provide temporary relief, but it always ends in regret.” – Ibn Taymiyyah

“The path of truthfulness is difficult, but it leads to peace and salvation.” – Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

“Only the truthful ones can truly benefit from knowledge.” – Imam Shafi’i

“Honesty is never an option, it is an obligation for every Muslim.” – Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh

“Truthfulness and honesty are the attributes of prophets and the righteous.” – Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamsi

“Lying may seem convenient, but it tarnishes the soul and damages relationships.” – Sheikh Mufti Ismail Menk

“Be honest in your words and actions, for they will be a witness for or against you on the Day of Judgment.” – Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

“Truthfulness is a virtue that cannot be compromised, regardless of the circumstances.” – Sheikh Bilal Philips

“Honesty and truthfulness are the foundations of a just society and a righteous community.” – Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“The honest heart seeks to please Allah above all else.” – Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khalili