“Don’t be a chicken, be bold and take risks.”

“Even the smallest chicken can have the courage of a lion.”

“Fly high like a chicken with wings of determination.”

“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, work hard to make them hatch.”

“Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and explore new opportunities.”

“Be a free-range chicken, not confined by fear.”

“Be a confident chicken, strutting your way to success.”

“Don’t be chicken-hearted, face your fears and overcome them.”

“Just like a chicken lays an egg every day, strive to achieve something new every day.”

“Don’t be a chicken in the barn, be a rooster that leads the flock.”

“A chicken that crosses the road is not afraid of what lies ahead.”

“Embrace change like a chicken embraces the sunrise.” QUOTE ABOUT HURTING SOMEONE YOU LOVE

“Dream big and aim high, like a chicken aiming for the sky.”

“Be resilient like the chicken that always bounces back.”

“Fear is just a cracked egg, break it open and show your bravery.”

“Don’t let anyone clip your wings, be a free-spirited chicken.”

“Believe in yourself, even if others see you as just a chicken.”

“Be the chicken that rises above the pecking order.”

“Chickens may be small, but they are mighty in their determination.”

“Don’t be a chicken in the crowd, be the extraordinary one that stands out.”

“Just like a chicken learns to walk, learn from your failures and keep moving forward.”

“Remember, even the tiniest chicken can make a big impact.”