“Sometimes, Dolores, you have to be a high riding bitch to survive.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Life is like a canary in a mine shaft, Dolores. You never know when the gas is gonna get you.” – Dolores Claiborne

“I’m more than a little tired of being bashed around.” – Dolores Claiborne

“You gotta learn to make the best of a bad situation, Dolores.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Sometimes you have to make tough choices to protect the ones you love.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Funny how some things don’t change, no matter how much time goes by.” – Dolores Claiborne

“The world is full of secrets, Dolores, and sometimes they’re the only things that keep us going.” – Dolores Claiborne

“You can’t let the past define you, Dolores. You have to move forward.” – Dolores Claiborne

“There’s a darkness in this world, Dolores. It’s always there, lurking just beneath the surface.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Sometimes, silence can be the loudest scream of all.” – Dolores Claiborne

“You can’t hide the truth forever, Dolores. Eventually, it will come to light.” – Dolores Claiborne

“In the end, we’re all just trying to survive, Dolores. And sometimes, that means doing things we never thought we were capable of.” – Dolores Claiborne WHEN FEELING ALONE QUOTES

“We’re all prisoners of our own making, Dolores. The key to freedom lies within us.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Trust is a fragile thing, Dolores. Once broken, it’s hard to repair.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Fear can be paralyzing, Dolores. But sometimes, it’s the only thing that keeps us alive.” – Dolores Claiborne

“We all have skeletons in our closets, Dolores. It’s how we choose to deal with them that defines us.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Love can be a dangerous thing, Dolores. It has the power to destroy as much as it can heal.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Sometimes, the people we trust the most are the ones who hurt us the deepest.” – Dolores Claiborne

“You can’t run from your past, Dolores. It will always catch up with you.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Sometimes, the only way to escape the darkness is to embrace it.” – Dolores Claiborne

“The truth can be a heavy burden to bear, Dolores. But it’s always better than living a lie.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Every choice we make has consequences, Dolores. It’s up to us to decide if they’re worth it.” – Dolores Claiborne

“Life is a series of moments, Dolores. You have to seize them before they slip away.” – Dolores Claiborne