“I’ll be damned if I let anyone take what’s mine.”

“I’m not here for the weak or the easily intimidated.”

“You don’t get to bring a knife to a gunfight, and you sure as hell don’t get to bring me down.”

“I’m not afraid of anything, especially not a challenge.”

“I’m not a queen; a queen bows to the king. I’m the kingmaker.”

“I have a lot of enemies, but they all fear me. And that’s how I like it.”

“I’d rather be a wolf than a sheep, any day.”

“I won’t apologize for who I am or how I’ve become this way.”

“I won’t let anyone dictate my worth. I define it myself.”

“I’ve learned that it’s better to be feared than loved. Love is fleeting; fear lasts.”

“I’m not afraid of blood or pain. I’ve seen enough of both to last a lifetime.”

“I don’t believe in luck; I create my own opportunities.”

“I don’t play fair, and I don’t apologize for it. This is war, and I’m fighting to win.”

“I’m not a delicate flower; I’m a force of nature.” FAMOUS QUOTE ABOUT BORDERS

“I may have a pretty face, but my mind is as sharp as a knife.”

“I don’t need anyone to save me; I save myself.”

“I walk my own path, and I don’t care who follows.”

“I don’t back down from a fight, I confront it head-on.”

“I’ve been knocked down many times, but I always get back up. Stronger. Smarter.”

“I don’t believe in second chances. If you betray me once, you’re out of my life forever.”

“I built my empire from the ground up, and no one can take that away from me.”

“I don’t have time for ignorance or stupidity. I surround myself with winners, not losers.”

“I’m not afraid of the dark; I embrace it and use it to my advantage.”

“I’m not a follower; I’m a leader. Always have been, always will be.”

“I don’t need your approval. I make my own rules.”

“I don’t believe in fairy tales. Life is about hard work and determination.”

“I don’t let anyone define me. I define myself.”