“The pain you inflict on others, you ultimately inflict on yourself.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone else will never make you a stronger or happier person.” – Unknown

“Hurtful words can leave scars that never fully heal.” – Unknown

“Don’t break someone’s heart just because you can’t hold onto it.” – Unknown

“When you hurt someone, you’re really just hurting yourself in disguise.” – Unknown

“It takes courage to apologize and make amends when you’ve hurt someone.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone doesn’t make you stronger, it only reveals your weakness.” – Unknown

“Instead of hurting others, spread love and kindness. It will benefit everyone involved.” – Unknown

“Hurtful actions can damage relationships irreparably, so choose your actions wisely.” – Unknown

“Always think twice before causing pain to someone else. It’s not worth it.” – Unknown

“Harming someone emotionally can have long-lasting effects on their mental wellbeing.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone may give you temporary satisfaction, but it won’t bring you lasting happiness.” – Unknown

“Don’t be the reason someone loses faith in humanity. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.” – Unknown

“The pain inflicted on another person is like a boomerang, it will eventually come back to you.” – Unknown SAD DAD QUOTES FROM DAUGHTER

“Every time you hurt someone, a part of you loses its innocence.” – Unknown

“The greatest strength comes from healing the wounds you’ve caused, not causing more.” – Unknown

“You never truly win when you hurt someone, because you lose a piece of yourself in the process.” – Unknown

“Hurt people hurt others. Break the cycle and choose compassion instead.” – Unknown

“The scars left by hurtful actions can last a lifetime, so choose kindness always.” – Unknown

“When you hurt someone, you tarnish your own character and integrity.” – Unknown

“Hurting someone may give you temporary power, but it will never earn you genuine respect.” – Unknown

“A moment of anger can cause a lifetime of regret. Think before you act.” – Unknown

“It’s never too late to make amends and start healing the wounds you’ve caused.” – Unknown

“Hurtful words can be forgiven, but they can never be forgotten.” – Unknown

“You have the power to lift someone up or tear them down. Choose your words and actions wisely.” – Unknown

“True strength lies in lifting others up, not tearing them down.” – Unknown