“Homeschooling: Where the teacher is always right, but so is the student’s mom.”

“Homeschooling: Where pajamas count as the official school uniform.”

“Homeschooling: Where field trips are just a walk to the kitchen.”

“Homeschooling: Where recess is just a quick game of tag with your siblings.”

“Homeschooling: Where the class pet is your family pet.”

“Homeschooling: Where the classroom is wherever you feel like sitting that day.”

“Homeschooling: Where math textbooks are also used as coaster and paperweights.”

“Homeschooling: Where ‘no talking’ in class is virtually impossible.”

“Homeschooling: Where nap time is a legitimate part of the curriculum.”

“Homeschooling: Where bathroom breaks don’t require permission slips.”

“Homeschooling: Where recess can turn into a sibling argument in seconds.”

“Homeschooling: Where the teacher’s lounge is the living room couch.” NEW FRIENDS QUOTE

“Homeschooling: Where science experiments often end with an unexpected mess.”

“Homeschooling: Where snow days become ‘schoolwork in pajamas’ days.”

“Homeschooling: Where the teacher can never enforce a dress code.”

“Homeschooling: Where snack time is a constant distraction.”

“Homeschooling: Where the size of your class depends on the number of siblings you have.”

“Homeschooling: Where the principal’s office is also your bedroom.”

“Homeschooling: Where passing notes in class is just passing a message to your sibling.”

“Homeschooling: Where recess turns into a long neighborhood bike ride.”

“Homeschooling: Where parent-teacher conferences can be held during dinner.”

“Homeschooling: Where grading papers involves a lot of parental negotiation.”