“Tonight, we shall purge our souls from the darkness that has consumed our society.” – Unknown

“On this day, we honor the founding fathers who saw the necessity for a purge and gave us the right to unleash our darkest desires.” – Unknown

“In their wisdom, the founding fathers realized the importance of a night dedicated to release our deepest urges.” – Unknown

“Let the siren of the purge be a reminder of the freedoms bestowed upon us by our founding fathers.” – Unknown

“The founding fathers believed that one night of chaos would restore balance and cleanse our society of its impurities.” – Unknown

“As the founding fathers intended, the purge allows us to exercise our right to act without consequence, if only for one night.” – Unknown

“We are the living manifestation of the founding fathers’ vision – a society free from restraint, even if it’s just for a few hours.” – Unknown

“In the spirit of our founding fathers, let our actions on this purging night show the truest nature of humanity.” – Unknown

“The purge is an annual testament to the founding fathers’ wisdom in granting us the freedom to explore the depths of our depravity.” – Unknown

“By embracing the purge, we pay homage to our founding fathers’ radical belief in our innate need for release and purification.” – Unknown

“The founding fathers understood that once a year, we must expel the darkness within us, for the greater good.” – Unknown BEST QUOTES ABOUT PURITANS

“Tonight, we honor the founding fathers’ bold experiment, where we unleash our demons and restore the balance they envisioned.” – Unknown

“As the founding fathers’ torchbearers, we remember that the purge is a necessary evil, a part of the freedom they left us.” – Unknown

“The purge stands as a testament to the founding fathers’ foresight in providing us a respite from the chains that bind us.” – Unknown

“In the words of our founding fathers, ‘Let the purge be a sacred ritual to cleanse our souls and rejuvenate our spirits.'” – Unknown

“The founding fathers believed in the transformative power of the purge, where chaos purges us of our inhibitions.” – Unknown

“The founding fathers recognized the cathartic power of the purge, offering us a chance to truly live without fear or consequence.” – Unknown

“On this night of reckoning, let us pay tribute to the founding fathers who understood the necessity of letting chaos rein free.” – Unknown

“We owe it to our founding fathers to embrace the purge, for they understood the importance of unleashing the beast within.” – Unknown

“Through the purge, we honor the radical vision of our founding fathers, who believed in a society unshackled by conventions.” – Unknown

“As we partake in the purge tonight, let us not forget the founding fathers who dared to dream of a free society unburdened by rules.” – Unknown