“Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.”

“Don’t be sad because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

“A memory lasts forever, never does it die. True friends stay together, and never say goodbye.”

“Goodbyes are necessary because without them, we cannot appreciate the value of hello.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to say goodbye and leave them with beautiful memories.”

“Saying goodbye doesn’t mean forgetting, it means accepting that things have changed.”

“Good friends never say goodbye, they simply say ‘I’ll see you again soon.'”

“Remember the good times, cherish the memories, and always hold on to the laughter. Goodbye, my dear friend.”

“Goodbyes are like dark clouds that pass, eventually making way for the sunshine of new beginnings.”

“Friendship may end, but the love and bond we shared will always remain in my heart.”

“Goodbye doesn’t mean the end, it means the start of new adventures, new opportunities.”

“Wishing you farewell with the hope that we’ll cross paths again in the journey of life.”

“Good friends are like stars; even though they may be far away, their light still shines bright.” GODS WORDS QUOTES

“As we part ways, know that you’ll forever hold a special place in my heart.”

“Although we say goodbye, let’s keep the spirit of our friendship alive in our memories.”

“Goodbye might be hard, but it paves the way for new hellos.”

“Life is a constant cycle of hellos and goodbyes; embrace the beauty of each moment.”

“Goodbye is not the end; it is a temporary pause in our friendship’s melody.”

“Distance may separate us, but it cannot erase the wonderful times we shared together.”

“Our paths may diverge, but the impact you’ve had on my life will never fade away.”

“Goodbye, my friend. Thank you for being a part of my journey; the memories we’ve created will last a lifetime.”

“Goodbye is not forever, it’s just a way to remind us to cherish the moments we had.”

“In this farewell, let’s not shed tears for what we leave behind, but smile for what lies ahead.”

“Farewell, dear friend. May the winds of life carry us to new horizons, where we can meet again.”