“50 years of wedded bliss and still going strong. You two are definitely doing something right- or maybe it’s just a lucky fluke!”

“Congratulations on reaching 50 years of marriage! Either you two are soulmates or you’ve made a lifelong pact to never let each other go.”

“They say love is blind, but after 50 years of marriage, it’s safe to say you both know exactly what you’re getting into!”

“Cheers to 50 years of putting up with each other’s quirks! Hopefully, the next 50 will be just as entertaining.”

“Happy 50th anniversary to a couple who always understands the importance of compromise – or at least who pretend to.”

“50 years of marriage calls for a celebration! Just be careful not to break a hip while busting a move on the dance floor.”

“To the couple who has been keeping marriage counselors in business for half a century – congratulations on never giving up!”

“Someone once said, ‘Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.’ Here’s to 50 years of happily enduring!”

“Congratulations on reaching your 50th anniversary! It’s a testament to the power of love and stubbornness.”

“Marriage is finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Here’s to 50 years of successful annoyance!”

“Happy 50th anniversary to a couple who have proven that marriage isn’t just about love and companionship, but also about successfully navigating countless arguments and forgiving one another!” JOKES FUNNY SINGLE VALENTINES DAY QUOTES

“After 50 years of marriage, there’s no doubt that you two are experts in the fine art of selective hearing and pretending to pay attention.”

“Happy golden anniversary to the couple who still haven’t figured out that it’s okay to have separate blankets at night.”

“Congratulations! You have managed to stay together for half a century. I bet each one of you secretly thinks it’s because you’re the better half.”

“50 years of navigating through relationship landmines deserves a medal. But of course, a fabulous anniversary celebration will do!”

“Cheers to a couple who have mastered the art of peaceful coexistence. Ask them their secret, and they’ll probably just say it’s because they’re too old to argue anymore!”

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Here’s to 50 years of falling and bouncing back!”

“In honor of your 50th anniversary, I hope you have a cake big enough to fit all the candles it’ll take to celebrate your combined age!”

“Here’s to the couple who could probably write a book about marriage advice – titled ‘How to Stay Married for 50 Years Without Committing Homicide.'”

“A marriage lasting 50 years is like a pair of finely aged wines – gets better with time and leaves you a little tipsy!”