“I love how she makes me feel, like anything is possible, or like life is worth it.”

“I’ve always liked the idea of someone being in love with me, but it’s a lot harder to believe when it actually happens.”

“Just because she likes the same bizarro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soulmate.”

“It’s these little tiny things, these tiny beautiful things, that make up our lives.”

“I really do believe that there’s one person out there for everybody.”

“People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, not you know, some made-up words, but words from your heart.”

“This is not a love story, but I love you.”

“We have to remind ourselves that we’re not the center of the universe.”

“Love is a fantasy, it’s not real. It’s a chemical reaction in our brains.”

“You should know upfront, this is not gonna have a happy ending.”

“Just because she likes the same strange shit as you, it doesn’t mean she’s your soulmate.”

“Love is messy and horrible and selfish and bold and confusing and beautifully irrational.”

“We’re just two completely different people with two completely different view of the world.”

“Don’t take everything so seriously, life is too short.”

“We are unlucky people, you and me.”

“I don’t believe in fate. I believe in chance.” SHORT QUOTES ABOUT NURTURING

“You were right, it is just like The Graduate.”

“It’s not you, it’s me.”

“We always expect to fall in love quickly, but sometimes it takes time.”

“I thought I could erase her, but she can’t be erased.”

“Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.”

“You said ‘love’ is a fantasy, but I think ‘hope’ is a fantasy too.”

“Maybe love is not meant to be understood, but rather felt.”

“Timing is a funny thing. Sometimes it aligns perfectly, and sometimes it tears people apart.”

“We may not have ended up where we expected, but we ended up where we needed to be.”

“Love isn’t about grand gestures or big statements, it’s about the little things you do every day.”

“What’s meant to be will always find a way.”

“We’re all just looking for someone to share our lives with, someone to make us feel complete.”

“Being honest with yourself and others is the only way to find true happiness.”

“Love doesn’t always make sense, but it’s worth the risk.”